Later known as Methodist Youth Fellowship
The church's youth group was Pauline Epworth League. The group met every Sunday evening at the church for a study lesson. Attendance was good, fun was had and occasionally the young people joined other youth groups in the county for district meetings. Ice skating parties were held in the pasture of local farmer Delmar Brown or on the Little Blue River in conjunction with the Ayr youth group. By the early 1950s the Epworth League had become Methodist Youth Fellowship. Local store owner and community leader Mrs. Lizzie Evans is remembered as a "very patient" adult sponsor of the group. The group was active into the 1980s under the leadership of Rev. Peter Trucano. Bowling or cookouts and games at the residence of Shorty and Betty Snow were enjoyed. While fellowship and fun seemed the name of the game, a read-through of the group's records from the 1950s nonetheless point to an awareness of worldwide events, such as the Korean War and the massacre of Jim Elliot and his fellow missionaries in Ecuador.
*The brief history of this group is taken in part from "Pauline and Community, 1887-1987, 'A Trail in Time' ".
Records of the Methodist Youth Fellowship from 1951-52 show the group was involved with a box social, pancake supper, wiener roast, sunrise service breakfast, gift giving and party food. Lesson topics during the 1950s included St. Patrick, The Transformation, The Bible. Weekly attendance was taken and officers were elected. Following are excerpts from the record books.
"The group made plans at their Nov. 7, 1954 meeting to hold a Thanksgiving breakfast at 8 a.m. Sunday morning, with proceeds going toThis window was purchased by the Epworth League when the church was erected in 1907. the Korean Fund. A Watchnight service was discussed for New Year's Eve."
"Jan. 30, 1955, it was decided that the MYF would not help buy a movie projector, but instead help the Women's Society of Christian Service redecorate the church. Lessons and Bible study were to be alternated on a weekly basis."
"February 27 (1955), the M.Y.F. of Pauline met in the Home of Lois Gates. The lesson was conducted by Don Bump. We studied Dueteronomy(sic) 5-6 chapters and reread the forth(sic) chapter. 5 members present. Offering was $2.23. We are to meet over at the home of Mrs. Aaron Jones, for a barbecue at 6:00 o'clock next Sunday evening. Choir practice was held after the Bible study." Lois Gates, Marie Stanley Secreatary(sic)
Dec. 30, 1956, "The M.Y.F. took down the Xmas tree. Choir will start next Sunday."
Jan. 6, 1957, "The weekly meeting was held. The roll call was answered with the Ten Commandments." It was agreed that the meeting would begin at 7:00 instead of 7:30, with worship, lesson and business meeting to last until 8:00, and "Fun til 9:00."
"On Jan. 27, 1957, the M.Y.F. was under way There were 2 new members present. 11 all together was present(sic). The lesson was on how head hunters became Cristains(sic)."
The group, along with sponsor John Fishel, attended the Hastings District Annual Youth Banquet held at the Methodist Church in Hastings on a Monday evening in January of 1957.
Feb. 17, 1957 – "A party was held. A good time was had by all." Lois Gates, secretary.
*Courtesy of Pauline Methodist Church, Pat and Larry Smidt.
"The Epworth League gave a program in the Pauline Methodist church Friday evening. Proceeds from the program and lunch amounted to $35.00." –"Pauline," The Hastings Democrat, Thursday, April 28, 1927
"The Epworth League will give a three-act comedy at the church on Friday evening, April 25. The play, "Beads on a String," will be presented by the following characters: Gerald Franklin, hero; Faye Knopf, sweetheart of the hero; Faye Knopf, Negro maid; Elmer Reiber, detective; Chester Anderson, rich uncle; Margaret Osgood, mother of the hero; Byron Osgood, friend of the hero; Alice Smith, rich uncle's niece; Rev M.O. McKenzie, father of the hero. The Boosters Sunday school class will serve lunch." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, April 24, 1930
"The Epworth League play entitled "Beads on a String," which has been postponed twice because of the condition of the weather will be given Thursday evening, May 8 in the M.E. church. Lunch will be served by the Boosters Sunday school class." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, May 8, 1930
"The Epworth League play entitled "Beads on a String," which was postponed a number of times because of the weather and conditions of the roads, has been postponed until after the close of school and its various activities." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, May 15, 1930
"A Mother's Day program was given in the Methodist church here Friday evening by the Epworth League. The program included: Iris Brown, Lela Breithaupt and Vivian Watson sA close-up view of the Epworth League window.ang, 'That Wonderful Mother of Mine' and 'My Mother's Eyes' accompanied by Flora Grogan; two numbers by the chorus made up of Iris Brown, Flora Grogan, Lela Breithaupt, Ruth Chenoweth, Gerald Franklin, Ward Bauder, Glenn Parker, Chester Anderson, and Pearl and Vernon Carper and Mr. Driecker of Ayr, accompanied by Vivian Watson; scripture reading and prayer by Rev. E.L. Watson; readings by Chester Anderson, Glenn Parker and Lela Breithaupt; vocal solo, 'That Mother of Mine' by Vernon Carper; vocal duet by Iris Brown and Vivian Watson and a musical reading and pantomime by Lela Breithaupt, Iris Brown, Ruth Chenoweth and Vivian Watson; benediction by Gerald Franklin." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey Jones, The Hastings Democrat, 1933
"At six o'clock Sunday evening about twenty young people of the Epworth League of the Methodist Church in Pauline drove to the home of Barney Post, who has been in a semi-paralyzed condition for the past several months, and repeated for his benefit their Easter pageant and other program numbers." –"From the Leader Files, 75 years ago – 1937," Blue Hill Leader, March 29, 2012.
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