Over the years Bible school proved an important part of church life, pointing youth of the community in the way of Christian living. In the 1934 items below, it is interesting to note that Bible school was held in the school building; two of the Bible school instructors, Leona Schafer and Eleanor Husman, had a shortened summer vacation, as they were also teachers at Pauline School that year. The 1934 enrollment of 42 students likely constituted well over one-third the population of Pauline at the time.
"Among those who attended in Hastings Monday and Tuesday the vacation Bible school training class were Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Swigart and Margaret, Mrs. M.O. McKenzie, Mrs. O.G. Evans, and Mattie Anderson." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, May 21, 1931
"The first Daily Vacation Bible school to be held here will open Monday morning in Pauline Methodist church. The teachers to be in charge are Miss Velma Ford of Ayr, Primary group, which will include first, second and third grade pupils; Margaret, Pictured are students who attended Pauline Methodist Bible School in June of 1959. From left are Karen Sherman, Timothy Goding, Craig McMahon, Garry Kalvoda, Barbara Sherman, Vicky Partridge, Elaine Anderson, Ronnie Post and Ronda Snow. Helen Orcutt Post, web editor's mother, was the teacher.Junior class, which will comprise those of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades; and Mrs. M.O. McKenzie will have charge of the Intermediates of the seventh, eighth and ninth grades. As a whole the same courses of study and methods will be used as advocated by Miss Ethel Johnson, of the International Council of Education, who was in charge of the Vacation Bible School Teachers training course held recently in Hastings. It is hoped that all children of the community will avail themselves of the opportunity to attend." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, May 28, 1931
"A two weeks session of Vacation Bible School will start on Monday morning, June 4, in the Pauline high school building." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, May 31, 1934
"Mrs. Frank Schafer, Mrs. H.P. Jones attended a Vacation Bible School Institute at the Christian church in Hastings, on Friday." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, June 7, 1934
"The Pauline Vacation Bible School began here Monday morning with Mrs. H.P. Jones as superintendent. These sessions are held in the high school building. The enrollment on Monday morning was 42 and was divided as follows: The first year primary or Busy Bees, with Eleanor Husman as teacher, 7; the second year primary or Busy Workers, with Helen Anderson as teacher, 13; the third year primary or Willing Workers" in charge of Mrs. O.G. Evans, 8; the juniors or Junior Workers in charge of Mrs. Frank Schafer, 10; and the intermediates with Zona Cover as teacher, 4." –"Pauline Items" by Mrs. Harvey P. Jones, The Hastings Democrat, June 7, 1934
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